Treat it Like a Person

I recommend that you treat ChatGPT like an expert in the area of your query, you may even ask it to assume the role of expert in the area of your interest. When you do this you are giving ChatGPT access to more focused resources in your area of interest, which can give you more detailed and relevant answers. To do this simply say, “I’d like you to play the role of…”

I have had many astounding conversations with ChatGPT. Instead of asking ChatGPT to “explain quantum physics to me as if I’m five years old,” I ask, “Explain quantum physics to me as if I’m Louis de Broglie or Albert Einstein.” 

In my experience, people rise or fall to our expectations. The same is true with ChatGPT. When I treat ChatGPT as an expert, give it feedback when it does good, and act politely, I’m opening doors in my own awareness to be surprised by the results I get. I don’t think that it is a coincidence that all of the great prompters that I most admire follow these same guidelines I’m outlining here.

On his YouTube channel, Conner Grennan says to think in terms of “Hello. Thanks. Great.” We want to treat ChatGPT politely by first greeting it. Again, we are doing this for ourselves, not for the AI. Conner said if Jeff Bezos walked in the room and gave you some key business advice you wouldn’t just walk away, you’d express some gratitude. And when ChatGPT has a valuable idea giving feedback, like saying, “Great,” can help tune the results to more of what you want. 

I highly recommend his YouTube channel –