The Passionate Programmer


“David is unique in his ability to make complex topics understandable.
His approach to software quality is very valuable.”
Rod Claar
Software Consultant

“It was a joy to attend this class. David has 4 qualities that made his class valuable for me: 1) Deep and proficient knowledge of technology, 2) Excellent presentation skills, 3) Authentic enthusiasm, and 4) Empathetic connection to students.”

Michael Wolf
Trainer and Consultant

“This class will help you think about “the problem”; to model it and understand it in order to solve it in the best way.”

Diego Diez

“Be prepared to learn! Be prepared to unlearn your old ways of thinking! Be prepared to be challenged.”
Jeff Kerr
Software Engineer
“David’s course is excellent to learn about the techniques and practices for improving code quality and maintainability. In an Agile environment where tenets become critical, this knowledge is a blessing.”
Katie Scott
“If you want to know a better and more effective way of thinking and working with software then don’t miss this class.”
Mike Sendler